January 1, 2019
Our journey started - in South Korea. With our first-ever pitch we succeeded in being awarded a spot in the K-Startup Grand Challenge. This start-up programme brought us for almost six months to Seoul and Pangyo Techno Valley in South Korea. With government support we were able to take our first steps, refining our technology through the expertise of Korea’s excellent engineers and forging first customer relations.
We were part of the 2018 cohort of 80 start-ups participating in this amazing exchange between tech and creativity. By attracting entrepreneurs from all over the world, Korea aims to strengthen its local start-up culture, while providing participating companies a gateway to the South East Asian market and letting them experience their technological ingenuity.
SeeHow benefited a lot from the support we received and convinced the jury on Demo Day in late December, winning a total of USD 35.000 as part of KSGC.
It was truly inspiring to take our first steps as entrepreneurs in a country that set out as one of the poorest nations in the world to become an economic powerhouse in only 60 years. Next to so many good memories, Korea taught is especially one thing: Everything is possible!